A Note from Skippy’s Mom

Hi, I’m Skippy’s Mom, and was recently faced with the difficult decision of whether or not to do remaining leg surgery on our beloved tripawd cat. I searched the internet for stories of other cats who might have undergone something similar, and didn’t find much. I felt really overwhelmed by the decisions our vet was asking me to make, and so I decided to take advantage of the Tripawds Foundation’s awesome free blog space to share Skippy’s story.  So if you find yourself in a similar position, please know that you are not alone!  What follows is an overview of Skippy’s original amputation, his subsequent injury, and the course of treatment that we took.  I hope you find it helpful.

4 thoughts on “A Note from Skippy’s Mom”

  1. Welcome and thank you for sharing Skippy’s story in such great detail. Your future blog posts and pages will publish immediately without requiring moderation. We look forward to follawing along, and have added your site to the growing list of 100+ Tri-kitty Blogs.

    You will find much more help and feedback in the discussion forums or by searching the member blogs. Start here for help finding the many Tripawds Resources an assistance programs.

  2. Thank you thank you thank you! We are so hoppy you decided to do this because you are RIGHT, there isn’t much info on the web or even in our community! At least, for cats. You’ll see next week we are doing a story about remaining leg surgery for dogs, and some associated studies. But cats don’t have this kind of info/vet studies yet and we are devoted to changing that!

    You might want to check out Lulu’s story, she had a similar experience (not the same surgery):

    Thanks again! You are a rock star Tripawd mom!

  3. Thank you so much for sharing this – what a beautiful beautiful fella!

    Benjamin had front leg amputation about a month ago and is a possible for FHO – it is so very helpful to read your story with Skippy. I look forward to updates. Thank you again

    1. Samantha, it’s always a hard decision to put a tripawd through any leg surgery, but overall it was much less stressful than I thought it would be. We still have a lot of work to go before he regains full mobility again, and naturally I worry daily about him jumping and injuring himself. (I have to believe in my heart that he will get there though). If Benjamin does end up having an FHA, please feel free to reach out anytime for support or questions.

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